Top 5 Telephone System Features
Your business phone system is vital to internal and external business communication no matter what kind of business you run. Its usability can determine how well-organised and efficient your business operates. Technological advances in phone systems have made it easier for businesses to keep track of incoming and outgoing calls. More features and options have become available for users which can lead to business productivity. Here are the top 5 Phone System Features that can really help your business thrive.
Call Forwarding can decrease the chances of missed calls and lets users easily work on the go or away from their desks. The Call Forwarding feature allows users a chance to answer calls wherever they are. This feature can be used to forward unanswered calls to a specified list of devices and phone numbers. A phone system with this feature can ring those specified devices simultaneously or in a chosen sequence that the user has programmed it to. The system will attempt to reach each number in the list until the call is answered or until it goes through the entire list. For example, a call can go through to your office line and if no one answers, then it moves on to your mobile and if no one answers that, it gets redirected to a colleague and if it still doesn’t get answered then it will go to voicemail.
Daytime and After-Hours Greetings are important phone system features that make sure your business never misses any calls. Greetings can help reduce caller frustration when trying to get through to someone during a busy time and prevents the phone from ringing out. After-Hours greetings and announcements can be helpful for customers. They will be able to hear alternative contact details, opening hours and similar information through the announcement. Customers can also leave messages after the announcement if they need to. Daytime and After-Hours Greetings makes your business sound professional and ensure that calls will be able to come through to a business representative all the time.
Voicemail is a useful feature that records messages from unanswered calls. It allows callers to leave a message and their contact details which can save time for a lot of businesses as they can prioritise call backs and avoid unnecessary return calls. Businesses can decide to give voicemail options to all staff or to only a selected few. The Voicemail to Email function converts all voicemail received into transcripts that are sent straight to your inbox for you to read at your convenience. Users will now have the ability to access their voicemail messages anywhere where they have access to their emails. This is a great feature for staff who are always on the move as they can receive a notification as soon as a customer leaves a message for them.
Call Recording can be a great tool for businesses especially for those who are primarily focused on sales and service. It can improve the way the businesses operate, and the recordings can be used to train employees. The recordings can also give management an understanding on how their staff are handling calls and can implement adjustments and improvements if needed. Call Reporting allows administrators to collect communication related data for the business which can influence business operations. Detailed information like average talk times, phone use reports for specific extensions and statistics from group calls can be easily accessed by administrators. When combined, Call Recording and Reporting are essential to assure call quality and improve services for clients. It can also directly improve business operations and can have a positive impact on sales, management and training.
A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application lets you manage your relationship with your current and prospective customers. When your phone systems is integrated with your CRM, your business gets access to more real-time information and additional features that improves staff productivity and reduces the time it takes to look up customer information. These features include easy dialling, interaction logging, click to call, caller ID information, enterprise phone presence and more. CRM Integration lets your staff know what to talk about and be aware of what their colleagues have said previously.