8 X 8 Cloud VoIP

8×8 Cloud Voip: Enterprise Solutions that Bring your Employees, Customers and Vendors Closer Together

8×8 is a global cloud communications provider that specialises in fully integrated solutions for SMEs and large multi-national organisations alike. With a completely scalable solution from the ground up, your business can gain huge benefits whether you have 5 employees or 5,000.

What does 8×8 communications cloud offer?

It is no overstatement to say that 8×8 offers everything that your business needs to keep staff in contact with each other, customers and vendors and create the most efficient communications channels possible. But rather than requiring a large investment and effort to install complex hardware systems in all your offices, 8×8 has created a completely cloud-based solution.

All the critical hardware and intelligence is located in secure data centres across the world which mitigates the risk of having one point of failure in your office. Whether it’s VoIP to keep staff connected, video conferencing to bridge continents, or a full customer service and contact solution, 8×8 has you covered.

What are the benefits to your organisation?

Cloud-based ICT solutions have become a buzz word, and many organisations are blindly jumping onto these solutions. Beyond the reduced risk and cost of having to host and maintain your own hardware systems, there are very clear benefits.

Fully Integrated Communication

While the Internet has brought people and organisations closer together, this by and large happened in quite a fragmented way. Different technologies were developed by many different companies. As a result, you can become reliant on multiple services that become increasingly complicated to combine. The end effect can be a fractured integration that can cause business processes to be significantly less efficient.

One of the big advantages of 8×8 Communications Cloud is that it is a very open technology that allows you to integrate with many 3rd party systems. Basically, it’s not an all or nothing solution allowing you to gradually move your business without any disruptions.

Easily Scalable as Business Expands

Cloud solutions come with scalability built in, meaning that you don’t have to account for major upgrade costs when your business expands beyond a certain size. If your user count requires upgraded hardware configurations, then that happens seamlessly behind the scenes. This significantly reduces your upfront investment and maintenance costs and maximises your profits as you grow. With fewer worries and headaches about system interruptions from expansion-related upgrades, you can focus on running your business without all the distractions.

Customer Centred Solutions at the Core

Unlike most other business communications systems, 8×8 actually has customer-focused solutions built right into its core functionality. This allows you to set up a one-stop-shop solution for internal and external communications. Whether it’s instant, voice or video messaging, or a customer contact centre that you need to account for, it’s all built into the functionality and easily configured.

As a result, you can have all your communications data in one place, making it significantly easier to analyse data and trends and make proactive decisions about your operations. Your business will operate more efficiently, and you will have happier customers as a result.

8×8 Communications Cloud Integration

Because of the open and integrated nature of 8×8 Cloud services, you’re in an excellent position to gradually start the process of moving from an onsite to a hosted cloud environment. However, making sure that this process occurs seamlessly requires the expertise of engineers and technicians who understand both legacy and new technologies. Unfortunately, there are many service providers who don’t have enough experience with the older technologies to fully understand how they need to be configured to ensure a seamless transition.Even small mistakes or oversights can cause problems that disrupt your processes and hurt your bottom line.

Fixtel’s Full-Service Offer

To avoid such risks, you should arrange to meet with one of Fixtel’s advisers. Our dedicated business communications team has over 25 years of experience. There are basically no communications systems still in use that we haven’t encountered and maintained.

By partnering with us, you can make sure that you start with a detailed plan of action that is based on a clear understanding of how your current systems work. Only then is it possible to ensure that a move to the Cloud goes without a hitch.

Whether you’re a new start-up business or have established systems in place for many decades, we can make sure that the entire process runs smoothly to avoid the hassle and worry that comes with these types of decisions.

Contact our team today to find out how you can gain a competitive advantage with significantly reduced operating costs.